NSK Ltd. has been selected to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific Index) for the 23rd consecutive year, a leading ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investment index, which is composed of companies in the Asia-Pacific region.
 The DJSI was developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices and Robeco SAM, a Swiss investment advisory company, which comprehensively analyzes listed companies around the world from the three aspects of governance & economy, environment, and society, and selects companies with outstanding sustainability performance. NSK has been selected for inclusion in the DJSI Asia Pacific Index since 2002.
 The Mid-Term Management Plan 2026 (MTP2026), which runs through FY2026, has been positioned as a period for rebuilding the corporate foundation to enable sustainable growth and NSK is promoting various initiatives to achieve this. NSK aims to be a company that is needed, trusted, and relied upon by society even 100 years into the future.