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Schaeffler Visitor day on March 6th, 2020 has to be postponed


Visitor day at the Schweinfurt location will be postponed
Precautionary protection of guests and employees
New dates will be announced as soon as possible

Due to the further spread of the corona virus, the Schaeffler Group has decided to postpone the visitor day planned for Friday, March 6th, 2020 at the training center at the Schweinfurt location. This is done to protect all visitors and employees as a precautionary measure.

"We very much regret this step, but have decided to take this step out of responsibility towards our employees and guests. The focus is on protecting the health of our employees and guests, ”explains Theresia Nicola-Mann, Head of Human Resources at the Schweinfurt location.

A new date for the planned visitor day has not yet been set. "Due to the changing information situation, we cannot yet call an appointment," says Nicola-Mann.

The company will inform you as soon as possible as soon as the catch-up date has been fixed.
