A function in KISSsoft Release 03/2017enables you to evaluate the reliability of gear units, individual gears and rolling bearings.
For gears, the reliability is evaluated for tooth root fracture and pitting, whereas for rolling bearings, the reliability is determined using the service life method specified in ISO 281 or ISO 16281, and the results are displayed as a graphic. The calculation is performed according to Bernd Bertsche. The well-established 3-parameter Weibull distribution method is used as the statistical model.
The way in which the model tree structure is handled in KISSsys has also been improved. Elements can now be deleted, renamed, copied, cut out and pasted in. All the references involved in a model are also displayed clearly. All the paths in the structure can be updated as needed. This has the advantage that there are no limitations on the changes you can make to the model tree structure at a later date.