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Timken Community Relations: It’s Personal


When I joined Timken as a senior application engineer 21 years ago, I wanted to make a difference by 1.) helping customers solve technical equipment challenges and 2.) staying involved in the community. In college I studied mechanical engineering and volunteered with my university chapter of Habitat for Humanity. I quickly discovered Timken was a place where I was empowered to continue growing in both areas. 

Today’s job seekers still want that balance of professional and personal satisfaction. A recent Deloitte survey1 found that 89 percent of employees believe companies that sponsor volunteer activities offer a better overall working environment than those that don’t. This suggests that engaging teams in associate-driven volunteerism and philanthropy not only improves communities, but also contributes to a greater workplace.

Timken is among the desired group of employers that encourage community involvement, and we’ve seen the positive impact it’s had in our global communities and workplaces. Our community relations program is firmly rooted in our desire to be a good corporate citizen â€“ and enables associates to build skills, make meaningful connections, and become part of our neighborhoods. This creates a greater sense of engagement, value, trust, and loyalty.

Over the past few years, Timken has invested more time and resources on organizations that are personally important to our team members. This approach gives our associates decision-making power about where our combined resources are directed. For instance, in the U.S. we provide a matching-gift program that essentially doubles any monetary gift an associate makes. We also offer company-sponsored time off for associates to volunteer during the workday. In Brazil, our associates choose where a corporate donation is made locally – last year they selected a children’s hospital. In India, associates volunteer in rural areas to improve residents’ quality of life through access to education, health care and economic opportunities.

For me, I’ve learned my passion is tied to providing fundamental needs of food, shelter, and education. I have always had access to all three and can’t imagine living, or raising my children, without that same sense of security and opportunity. It’s why I have chosen to volunteer with groups that focus on feeding the hungry and providing safe, affordable housing for disadvantaged families. And I’m fortunate to work with a company that supports my priorities, and the priorities of my 18,000 colleagues worldwide. 
