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SKF’s Spring-Load Ball Transfer Self-Adjust in Load Transfer Applications


SKF 's "Hevi-Load" spring-loaded ball transfer unit for load-transfer application are engineered to reduce damage caused by shock loads, allow for dimensional changes due to temperature and self-adjust for even load distribution.


Its recirculating ball system offers the capacity to handle high load capacities with ball either up or down.


Applications include shearing machines, presses, molding machines, tool bases and press brakes.


According to SKF's press release, the recirculating ball system offers a load ball (12.7 mm to 50.8 mm in diameter) rotating on a bed of mall balls supported on a hardened steel, precision machined table load pad. Resulting load capacities up to 4,400 lbs. can be achieved, depending on type.


Units integrate flanges and thread to simplify mounting and drain hold or grease points can be specified.
