Green technology is more than changing a couple of
light bulbs or reducing waste. In 2009, the concept is relevant
in every facet of manufacturing as companies make a greater
push towards energy effi ciency and sustainability. In the power
transmission and motion control fi elds, this technology has been
integrated into the daily routine, both as an environmentally
friendly business venture and a way to offer green products to
customers. It’s apparent that the revitalization of manufacturing,
both here and abroad, will center on energy technology. Many
companies have already taken note of the benefi ts of going
Green Technology with SKF
With expertise in material, tribology, rheology and friction
management, SKF is currently supporting several green
technology initiatives. By reducing the friction of rotating components, SKF’s combination of bearings, seals and optimum
lubrication reduces energy consumption and CO2
“The impact is important considering that we have billions
of bearings running in the world in many applications,” says
George Dettloff, CEO and president of SKF USA Inc. “This
adds up to an enormous saving for the planet.”
Furthermore, the company has expertise in reliability
systems, asset management and the newly developed “SKF’s
Client Needs Analysis–Energy and Sustainability” tool, a
facilitated assessment by SKF energy experts.
“These tools enable customers to estimate and achieve
energy savings for an entire manufacturing process or a specifi c
application and product,” Dettloff says. “When used together
with SKF’s ‘Documented Savings Program’ tool, customers
appreciate the real value we provide because the savings per
machine can be identifi ed and used as benchmarks for other
savings elsewhere in the plant.”
At the core of this green movement are SKF’s E2 bearings,
energy effi cient as a result of optimized geometries, lubrication,
special cages and manufacturing techniques. These bearings
exhibit signifi cantly less friction torque and friction loss than
conventional bearings—at least a 30 percent reduction. With
applications in electric motors, pumps, gearboxes and wind
turbines, the E2 bearings run cooler, reduce lubricant use and
extend machine life.
In addition, SKF has been involved in many energy effi cient
projects that extend beyond bearings including:
? Saving weight for commercial and business jet airplanes
with fl y-by-wire actuation and auto throttle systems.
? Window blinds with electric actuation that save energy at
an average of 40 percent per year.
? Condition monitoring units for wind energy that
prevent downtime and make renewable energy sources
more effi cient.
? Replacing pneumatic actuation with mechatronic
actuation provides a 70 percent savings for energy in
robotic applications.
? Centralized lubricating system and minimal
quantity lubrication systems that provide less lubricant
than traditional systems, yet lubricate just as well.
SKF’s Maintenance Strategies and Practices are delivering
more effi ciency to large manufacturing plants, saving high
amounts of energy and preventing breakdowns, so that the
machinery lasts longer. And SKF’s remanufacturing service
can repair a worn bearing at signifi cantly lower cost than the
original new product cost, giving energy and materials savings
for the manufacture of new products.
“We have many solutions and services that really contribute
to reduce energy consumption, lubricant consumption and CO2
emission,” Dettloff says. “Many new projects are under way to
promote green technology practices.”
In addition, the sustainability section at
takes green technology a step further, utilizing knowledge
engineering, sustainability reporting and energy effi cient
solutions in its SKF Care concept. Sustainability is a major key
to SKF, according to Dettloff, with the SKF Care approach to
business, the environment, employees and the community.
“Our customers see our offers to save energy and to promote
green solutions and they are facing the same challenges and
opportunities that we do for developing greener products and
for running their own factories in the most effi cient way,”
Dettloff says.