Recently, SKF USA Inc., invited North American journalists to its Technical Press Day 2019 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to learn about what the company is up to. SKF executives and product specialists outlined how SKF is adapting to the ever-changing digital environment.
The event kicked off with SKF USA Inc., President John Schmidt welcoming attendees and thanking them for attending.
Digital Disruptions
Michael D’Argenio, VP Digital Transformation and Customer Experience, SKF Americas dove into Digital Disruption and Transformation as it relates to SKF. Special attention was paid to digital in the industrial sector namely IIoT and connectivity, with new possibilities on the horizon and how those will bring new challenges. The upcoming 5G connectivity was discussed and how it can help IIoT, including being used for pipe, cargo ship, freight train and turbines. D’Argenio discussed SKF strategic approach with includes: centralized digital platform, unified data strategy, ecosystem of connected products and apps, and a results-focused business model.
Power of Data
John Chioffe, Director of Business Intelligence, SKF USA, discussed The New Power of Data and how it is being used. Traditional use of data, which includes calculating costs, determining profitability, and report production, is changing into more innovative use of data with real-time output and productivity, predictive maintenance, and success probability.
Connected Devices
Up next was Josh Flemming, Strategic Marketing Director SKF USA, who spoke about Connected Devices: Insight Through Technology. He explained how SKF is transforming, what common challenges companies face (limited operational budgets, resistance to capital expenditures, plant infrastructure shortcomings, run to failure mindset, multiple machines from different OEMs, and more), and how connected devices are the entry into predictive maintenance. SKF Pulse, a vibration and temperature monitoring device; SKF Connected System 24, an automatic lubrication system; and SKF Connected Grease Gun, a manual connected lubrication gun, and how they can help customers were outlined.
Fibre Optic Sensing
Lars Kahlman, Senior Application Expert and Technical Lead, SKF Group, presented about New Bearing Technology –SKF Fiber Optic Sensing and how it works. He briefly outlined the history of fibre optic sensing at SKF, with 2008-12 being the development of the system from an idea, 2015-2018 having long-term testing and proof of concept, and 2019 being final product development. How can OEMs use this technology? To help with design verification, warranty, service/troubleshooting, and others. How does an end user benefit? By helping commissioning, efficiency and reliability, and more.
Other presentations focused on Lubrication Management, Digital Modeling and Simulations, and Rotating Equipment Performance. SKF USA experts led each.
The presentations were divided into two blocks, at the end of each being time for demonstrations and discussions about SKF products. SKF product specialists were on hand to answer any and all questions attendees had.
While it was a lot of information to take in, attendees were left with a greater insight into what SKF is doing now and plans to do in the future.