HR Manager Bernhard Hobner, Segment Manager Gunter Schneider, Training Manager Wolfgang Sperber, Works Council Walter Dressel and the training team welcome the new apprentices.
Start of working life
Training with a future at Schaeffler
20 different training occupations and 12 dual study programs
With the new training year, professional life has begun for 29 young people at the Schaeffler location in Hoechstadt. From the commercial sector, these include two electronics technicians, eight industrial mechanics, four toolmakers, three process mechanics and eight metal-cutting mechanics. Two young people can be trained in the commercial profession industrial clerk / woman. In addition, two high school graduates have decided on a dual mechanical engineering degree in cooperation with the Duale Hochschule Mannheim from 1 October.
Wolfgang Sperber, head of training in H?chstadt, welcomed the new trainees on their first day: "With an apprenticeship you lay the foundation for your professional career. Together, we prepare you for being able to help shape the future of the company as a highly qualified employee. "Segment Manager Gunter Schneider, HR Manager Bernhard Hobner and Works Council Member Walter Dressel also provided tips for starting and continuing at Schaeffler.
The first days at Schaeffler
The first days of apprenticeship at Schaeffler are mainly used to familiarize themselves with processes and the new work environment. During introductory days in the Franconian Switzerland, the future junior staff and their trainers get to know each other better. At the beginning of October, the new trainees from all Schaeffler locations in Germany will then come to Herzogenaurach as the company's headquarters to lay the foundations for a future network.
Qualification for tomorrow with modern training content
E-mobility, Industry 4.0 and digitization are changing products and organizational processes at Schaeffler. As part of the "Agenda 4 plus One" future program, there is the "Qualification for Tomorrow" initiative. The training of junior staff will also be further developed at the location in Hoechstadt. During their apprenticeship, the apprentices work as a team to build 3D printers: from the manufacture of individual parts to assembly and commissioning, they learn the relationships between mechanics, electronics, software and hardware. The focus here is on interdisciplinary work and intensive cooperation with various professional groups at Schaeffler. Another component of the "Qualification for Tomorrow" initiative is an intensive supplementary qualification program, which has meanwhile been passed through all trainers in Germany. This includes planning, applying new learning methods, using modern media, but also managing change and dealing with diversity. What is also quite new from autumn onwards is that the previous assessments have been replaced by a "feedback system" in which trainees also give feedback to the trainers.
Great training offer at Schaeffler
Currently, the location H?chstadt trains a total of 110 young people. Throughout Germany, Schaeffler offers training at the highest level to around 1,500 young people at 21 locations. The technology company offers training in 20 industrial or commercial occupations as well as the possibility of twelve different dual study programs.