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Mould resistant igus polymer plain bearings for cleaner air

The lubrication-free iglidur plain bearings available from Treotham are made of high-performance plastics and can effectively resist fungi and bacteria. The mould-resistant properties of igus’ polymer plain bearings make them suitable for use in ventilation applications in the building, vehicle and aircraft industries by ensuring clean air.

                                   Fresh air with mould-resistant, tested and maintenance-free iglidur plain bearings made from high-performance plastics.

Mould is a serious health hazard in building, vehicle and aircraft applications. Mould prevention begins with employing the right ventilation technology that uses mould-resistant components. igus had its materials tested for mould growth with the results showing all plain bearings were resistant to fungi and bacteria.

When mould develops in the ventilation systems of closed spaces, vehicles or buildings, the mould spores are permanently distributed in the air and can easily get into the respiratory tract. To avoid this risk, designers rely on machine elements that are resistant to mould. The high-performance plastics from Treotham meet these requirements.

In a laboratory test, seven iglidur materials were tested for the effect of microorganisms in accordance with DIN EN ISA 846 method A. This test examined the resistance of the materials to fungi and bacteria; after all, plastics can be used by microorganisms as a source of food and can be changed by the metabolic products of the bacteria. For the test, the plain bearings were stored in a special culture for four weeks at 29 degrees Celsius. No alteration was found on the tested materials, nor was there a case of mildew.

Multiple uses in ventilation technology

The mould-resistant, lubrication-free and maintenance-free plain bearings are used in aircraft seat and arm adjustments as well as for the storage of onboard kitchen equipment and luggage lockers.

In building technology, plain bearings made of iglidur materials can be found, for example, in ventilators and air damper regulators, which also benefit from the corrosion-free nature of the plastic bearings. Highly insensitive to dirt, the polymer bearings are easy to clean and resistant to temperature, media and chemicals.

The service life of iglidur bearings can also be easily determined online with the service life calculator.
