OnFILTER’S new SF series of dV/dt EMI filters is designed for servo motors and variable frequency drives (VFD) and has recently received US Patent 10,263,591.
The filters block damaging high-frequency currents from destroying a motor's bearings and reduce EMI in equipment.
SF series filters help to comply with IEC 60034-17/-25 by “smoothing” sharp edges of drive pulses and applying other patented technology to block ground current through the motor's bearing, greatly reducing bearing damage.
No mechanical modifications to the motor are needed to install the filters. They are small and unobtrusive and the company says they provide a solution to the problem of bearing damage in the motion control industry by significantly reducing EMI levels in equipment.
Vladimir Kraz, president and founder of OnFILTER, said: "In a highly automated manufacturing process there is little room for dealing with preventable equipment problems and associated loss of productivity. Servo motor and VFD EMI filters are integral part of uninterrupted error-free operation."
SF series filters are rated 3A to 20A up to 250V, carry ETL and CE approvals and are RoHS compliant.