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Emerson STEM Day Makes A Splash

A group of first- and second graders learn about hydraulics at Emerson’s STEM Day Friday.

The areas of science, technology, engineering and math, collectively called STEM, touch on numerous areas of study and include concepts that can lead to successful careers.

A group of Central Iowa kids, from first- to eighth grades, was exposed to another series of STEM-related activities at the third annual Emerson STEM Days Friday.

“They get to go to different stations throughout the building and learn about STEM-related activities. This year, our theme is Fisher Flow H2O, so everything is water-related,” said event coordinator Kelsey Hibl of Emerson. “This year, they have seven activities.”

Those activities saw the children, divided by age group, explore subject areas like hydraulics, water conservation, water slides and more. Each of the groups of kids was given a team name related to an aquatic or subaquatic animal, such as a seal, a shark and a clown fish.

Prior to the station activities, all of the children gathered to color pictures, create paper boats, play a trivia game and more.

T-R PHOTO BY ADAM SODDERS – Friday’s STEM Day at Emerson included plenty of time for goofy pictures prior to students learning more about water.

Hibl said one of the goals of Emerson’s STEM Day is to provide a novel experience for kids each year. While this year’s theme had to do with water and its applications in STEM fields, last year’s event had kids focusing on chain reactions.

Fellow event co-chair Sara Duncan said events like STEM Day provide an important opportunity to local students and can help let kids know more about their community.

“I think it’s good for the kids to understand what opportunities there are for STEM careers,” she said. “It also helps the kids understand what jobs might be available to them if they stay in Marshalltown, and keep kids local.”

Whether they were filling mini hydraulic tubes with colored water or learning about where fresh water comes from, smiles and laughs seemed contagious among the children groups as they went from station to station Friday.

For more information on Emerson STEM efforts, visit
