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RBC Bearings Incorporated (ROLL) Moves Higher on Volume Spike for June 08
RBC Bearings Incorporated (ROLL) traded on unusually high volume on Jun. 08, as the stock gained 0.71% to close at $105.20. On the day, RBC Bearings Incorporated saw 155,035 shares trade hands on 1,813 trades. Considering that the stock averages only a daily volume of 78,524 shares a day over the last month, this represents a pretty significant bump in volume over the norm.

Generally speaking, when a stock experiences a sudden spike in trading volume, it may be seen as a bullish signal for investors. An increase in volume means more market awareness for the company, potentially setting up a more meaningful move in stock price. The added volume also provides a level of support and stability for price advances.

The stock has traded between $108.39 and $67.99 over the last 52-weeks, its 50-day SMA is now $98.63, and its 200-day SMA $88.04. RBC Bearings Incorporated has a P/B ratio of 3.53. It also has a P/E ratio of 35.2.

RBC Bearings Inc is a manufacturer and marketer of engineered precision plain, roller and ball bearings. It operates in four business segments namely roller bearings, plain bearings, ball bearings, and engineered products.

Headquartered in Oxford, CT, RBC Bearings Incorporated has 3,401 employees and is currently under the leadership of CEO Michael J. Hartnett.

For a complete fundamental analysis analysis of RBC Bearings Incorporated, check out’s Stock Valuation Analysis report for ROLL.

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